For Agricultural Education
Favorable Legislation
Meaningful Networking Opportunities
Member Benefits
Hotel Discounts with Choice Hotels International
15% NAAE member discounts at the following brand hotels: Comfort Inn®, Comfort Suites®, Quality®, Sleep Inn®, Clarion®, MainStay Suites®, Econo Lodge®, and Rodeway Inn®. Log in to the website and visit your MyNAAE page for the discount code.
Legislative Advocacy for The Profession
NAAE monitors governmental affairs affecting agricultural education and assists in developing priorities and strategies to affect federal legislation and appropriations. NAAE also has representatives on several national boards to represent your interests and concerns. For more information on getting involved in NAAE leadership, visit our leadership and volunteer opportunities page.
To contribute to the FAAE Legislative Fund, click here.
Legislative Action Center
A powerful tool for members to use when trying to build relationships or advocate for ag education. Look up contact information for your legislators and see how they have voted on issues important to agricultural education. More.
Technical and Pedagogical Education
Professional development workshops geared specifically for agricultural educators at our annual convention, as well as multiple opportunities throughout the year in person and online. Learn more.
Leadership, Personal and Professional Development
Run for a NAAE office or get involved with our National Teach Ag Campaign, just to name a few possibilities. NAAE provides many opportunities to lead the profession.
Awards and Grants
NAAE takes pride in recognizing excellence in agricultural education as well as individuals and organizations that make outstanding contributions to the profession. Members have the opportunity to apply for state and national recognition or nominate other individuals or organizations for recognition through a variety of programs. See our awards and grants.
NAAE Benefits
As a professional association for agricultural educators, NAAE provides both tangible and intangible benefits to assist members with professional. View all of the NAAE benefits here.
Professional Liability Insurance Coverage and other insurance options through the Trust for Insuring Educators (for active, active life, and student members)
$100,000 in-dues professional liability insurance coverage. In-dues coverage does not include job protection benefits.
Low rates for professional liability insurance upgrades — $35 for $1 million coverage; $50 for $2 million coverage. Upgrades include valuable job protection benefits that provide legal support if you’re subject to termination, reassignment, demotion or suspension.
New members are entitled to a $60,000 term life insurance policy at no cost for two full years from their initial join date. To take advantage of this benefit, make sure NAAE has your current work, home and email addresses so you can be enrolled. At the end of your free term, Forest T. Jones, the plan administrator, will allow you to renew the policy. You will receive information from them about how to do that.
For more information about these benefits or to upgrade your professional liability insurance coverage, visit http://www.ftj.com/NAAE.